We’ve all been there. You need help but just can’t muster up the courage to ask for it. Or, you genuinely doubt that you even need it to begin with. You keep pushing in the hopes that you will be able to say that you conquered a mountain all on your own, and feel the satisfaction of what it’s like to finally do something for yourself.
But for as much as you chase that feeling, you end up feeling stuck. You feel like you try your very hardest but you end up feeling uninspired and unmotivated. Or, you end up feeling incredibly frustrated, ready to throw up your white flag and shout from the kitchen “I AM OVER IT!”
Does this sound like you? I know it does, otherwise, you wouldn’t be here.
I’ll let you in on a little secret – you’re not crazy for feeling that way. We all have the desire to meet our goals independently, because the truth is, we all want to be able to say we have done something for ourselves.
But let’s take a step back for a minute. When was the last time you truly accomplished anything worthwhile on your own? Did you get that job on your own? Did you raise your kids with no help at all? Do you keep the house clean all by yourself (okay feel free to laugh here because we all know the house will never really be clean!)
We can’t do anything worthwhile in life on our own. Sure, sometimes we hit milestones all alone. Some days we reach for the stars and can do it by ourselves, but it never lasts. There’s only so much you can do. No woman is an island. We need people to help push us to the finish line. We need people in our corner encouraging us to dream bigger than where we are at right now.
In creativity, we are not exempt from this. Do you think every great artist learned all that they know on their own, that it all just magically popped into their head one day (maybe Picasso…)?
No, they had others mentoring them, teaching them, and cheering them along.
You are going to feel frustrated – many times. There will be days when you want to toss your paintbrush out the window and say good riddance to sign-making forever. You’ll tell yourself that you aren’t good enough and wonder why on earth you’re even wasting your time.
Let me tell you, that is the perfect moment to phone a friend.
See, when you’re frustrated, it’s hard to see past what has you upset in the first place. A friend can help you look past the momentary low and encourage your success. Sometimes all it takes is someone to listen. Sometimes we need positive affirmations and sometimes we need a good old-fashioned kick in the rear.
Think about a time when a friend helped you. Didn’t you feel better after calling and venting? Now imagine you feel like you have a trusted friend who understands your creative pursuits and can actually give advice because they’ve been-there-done-that, or are going through it themselves?
You need a creative community.
Wondering how to get involved here? Canvas Sign Designs has a few different ways. We’ve got the For the Love of Letters lettering group: where you’ll find monthly lettering challenges and a group of women learning to letter, and the Signmaker’s Society: a group of women hanging out, painting, and learning together.
We have lots of fun in both groups and I would LOVE for you to join us if any part of this post resonates with you.
See you there?