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So you’re ready to start your own paint party. You’ve made incredible progress in learning how to paint and hand letter your very own DIY wooden door hangers and have decided that you want to make some extra cash while doing it. Time to get prepared for your first party!
First things first, you’ll need to figure out which wooden door hanger you will be using, so you know what colors to purchase and what signs to cut. Then, get a headcount two weeks MINIMUM before your party so you know the appropriate amount of supplies to buy.
Nothing is worse than running around a few days before a paint party scrambling to get everything ready. I’ve been there, and let me tell you, I will NOT be making the same mistake again! This window of time allows you plenty of preparation for any changes.
After you have that information, you’ll need to head over to Michael’s, Hobby Lobby, or Amazon to purchase basic supplies.
Supplies you’ll need for your door hanger paint party:

- Paint: a good rule of thumb is one 8 oz. bottle for every ten people, and then some. Pro tip – light colors such as white will need additional coats, so stock up on those more than any others! I recommend using DecoArt or Apple Barrel.
- Paintbrushes: You’ll want enough brushes so everyone can have their own for base coating and detailing. The best part about buying paintbrushes is that you can stock up and don’t have to repurchase them – just wash and reuse!
- Sponge brushes/pouncers: these are used to make polka dots!
- Aprons: this one may seem like one of those “yeah, I don’t really need that” type of thing, but trust me, paint has a sneaky way of getting stuck to you.
- Trays or plates for paint: I recommend using trays with wells to keep colors from bleeding together, but plates will also work
- Tablecloths
- Rags/wet wipes/paper towels: be prepared to clean up some messes! Thankfully acrylic paint can easily be cleaned with soap and water.
- Graphite paper: for tracing the design from your door hanger template onto the wood. Each person will need their own.
- Embossers to use with templates
- Pencils
- Erasers
- Paint pens: for hand lettering if you design has any words.
- Hairdryers: to expedite the drying process once everyone is done painting.
- Bows: make these ahead of time so you can easily slide them on when everything is done!
- Jute string for the hanger
- Scissors
- Sealer spray: spray this when you’re done (outside only) to protect the paint.
- Scotch tape
- Cups for water: use these to store paintbrushes when not in use and before cleaning.
- Yardsticks/rulers: these will help you paint perfectly straight edges.
- Pattern pieces: stencils to paint over for patterns like quatrefoil.
- Picture of finished product: for a visual reference, one for each person.
BONUS: Package up each person’s set of supplies in a cute bag for extra fun (and to keep things organized!)

You’re ready to start hosting! Don’t forget to check out my Amazon favorite’s page for all the best supplies for paint parties. The Signmaker’s Blueprint, the all-inclusive manual for beginners to get you started making door hangers, is also available for purchase and will help you breeze through the production process.
Want even more tips for painting and lettering your own door hangers and business advice for selling them? Get on the waitlist for The Signmaker’s Society, my monthly membership course dedicated to helping you create your very own wooden door hangers and providing expert advice for making money while doing it!